Educational Capacity Strengthening for Risk Managment of Non-native Aquatic Species in Western Balkans - RiskMan

Project Summary

Project Summary

Non native (NN) species are widely recognized as one of the main threats to aquatic biodiversity and impact to human well-being. In Balkans major corridors for their spread are transboundary rivers and lakes that drain a number of countries and create conflicts of interest since water resources are unevenly distributed among the States. A knowledge gap on the presence, distribution and impacts of NN aquatic species in the Balkans was apparent. The main aim of RiskMan Project is to strengthen the Educational Capacity for Risk Management of NN Aquatic Species in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro by promoting the education of stakeholders and higher education students and stimulating cooperation among the Partner countries.To this aim, the RiskMan Consortium proposes to design a thorough set of measures based firstly on new proposed educational paths to increase the ability of local target groups to both mitigate and proactively prevent the potential negative impact on socio-ecological systems. RiskMan Consortium will promote the collaboration of Programme Countries academicians to share their own experiences with universities and NGOs members of Partner Countries.The specific objectives of the project are to: update the skills of higher education system about management of aquatic NN species in the Partner Countries in line with the international directives; support the Partner Countries to address the challenges concerning the risk assessment and management, stakeholders’ participation, planning and governance of aquaculture facilities and industries; promote voluntary convergence with EU developments in higher education and fisheries industry and contribute to cooperation among the Consortium Partners on the management of NN species; develop risk management model for NN aquatic species for Western Balkans; produce policy framework for creating new occupation.


Okunma Sayısı : 439