
December 10th, 2020 - Mugla, Turkey - Erasmus+ RiskMan Kick-Off Meeting
The official Kick-Off Meeting of the Erasmus+ project RiskMan was held on December 10th, 2020. As coordinating partner of the consortium, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University (Turkey) invited all project partners to this one day online meeting. The primary objective of the meeting was for all partners to get to know each other in order to create the right conditions to work together for the next 2 years. All the details about the Work Schedule, Management, Quality and Disseminations Plans have been given to the partners and the Project Manualshave been created.

February 18th, 2021 - Mugla, Turkey - RiskMan Updating Meeting
A Consortium Erasmus+RiskMan Updating Meeting was held on Thursday, 18th of February 2021. The online meeting was coordinated by Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University (Turkey) and was attended by all project partners. The topic of the meeting were issues related to the process of finalizing and signing Partnership Agreement, current status of Work Packages 1 and 2 and implementation of redesigned WP5 as well.

RiskMan Dissemination: Interview with industry representatives
One of the main objectives of Riskman Project is the synergy between education and aquaculture and fishery sectors in order to increase the awareness of stakeholders about the Risk posed by non-native aquatic species. Find more details and some pictures took during the interview with the fishers carried on by the Partners of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro

June 23th 2021- Meeting about invasive and horizon aquatic species in Bosnia and Herzegovina
A meeting among two RiskMan partner universities, University of Sarajevo and University of Bihać, was held on 23th of June and chaired by Prof. Marina Piria, PhD, from University of Zagreb. The aim of the meeting was to review the list of invasive aquatic species in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In addition to invasive species, the list includes horizon species (species that are currently being discovered in some of the neighboring countries and which could soon be found in our country as well). It is important to point out that this is the first decisive list of invasive aquatic species in our country so far, and as such it will give a good insight when it comes to the possibilities of monitoring invasive species in our country.

August 31st 2021 - First Training on Risk Assessment Tools (Part 1-AS-ISK)
The first Meetign training was held on Tuesday 31.08.2021 online on Zoom as part of RiskMan: Implementation of Risk Management Model for Western Balkans. During the Meeting, chaired by the coordinator team of Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University and the team of the University of Zagreb, all RiskMan Partners teams have been trained on the AQUATIC SPECIES INVASIVENESS SCREENING KIT (AS-ISK) to assess the Risk of Invasiveness of Aquatic Non-Native Species in the Balkans Countries.

September 6th 2021 - Second Training on Risk Assessment Tools (Part 1-MAXENT)
A second Training on Risk Assessment Tools was held on 07.09.2021 on Zoom as part of the RiskMan(Implementation of Risk Management Model for Western Balkans). The Meeting was chaired by MSKU and Palermo University with the participation of all RiskMan Partners that have been trained by UNIPA on MaxEnt Software in order to use this tool for modeling species niches and distributions of Aquatic Non-Native Species in the Balkans Countries.

November 11-12 2021 - Annunce for Workshops in Muğla
A serie of Workshops have been organized by Mugla Sitki Kocman University to Disseminate the Results of RiskMan Project will take place in Muğla on November 11-12 2021. For more details see the posters at the links below:

December 14th - Presentation of the RiskMan project in Montenegro
The Erasmus+ CBHE project RiskMan project was presented at the meeting "Synergy effects of Erasmus+ projects for better cooperation with the economy" organized on December 9th, 2021 by the Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro in cooperation with the National Erasmus+ Office. It was assessed at the meeting that the synergy of higher education and the economy can encourage knowledge transfer, new employment, innovation, entrepreneurship and creativity. During the meeting, several Erasmus+ projects implemented by the University of Montenegro were presented, within which it is possible to establish cooperation with the economy and achieve a synergistic effect for both parties. The meeting was attended by stakeholders who were introduced to the benefits, experiences and ways of participating in this program, as well as opportunities to connect and establish cooperation with Universities.

December 24th 2021 - Promotion of Project Activities of The University of Bihać - Promotion of Erasmus+CBHE RiskMan Project
Promotion of Erasmus+ CBHE RiskMan Project during the PROMOTION OF PROJECT ACTIVITIES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF BIHAĆ carried on by the staff of Bihać University and the Riskman Coordinator Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University team.

March 13-18th 2022 - Pilot test of WP4 in Sarajevo University
A pilot test for the three suggested courses on NN aquatic species has been carried out in Sarajevo at the Faculty of Science of UNISA. Students and academic staff from UNISA, UNBI, AUT and UoM have participated to the Pilot test together with the staff of the programme Countries who have joined the pilot test to evaluate the activities.

May 17-20th 2022 - Una river Day" event
As part of the celebration of the "May 17 - Una river Day" on 20th of May, 2022 Prof. Azra Bakrač and MA Subha Avdić from the Biotechnical Faculty of Bihac University (Bosnia & Herzegovina) presented RiskMan Project to a wide audience comprising representatives of local authorities, fishermen’s associations and local population.

June 13-17th 2022 – International Conference Adriatic Biodiversity Protection
The second International Conference: Adriatic Biodiversity Protection – AdriBioPro2022 focusing on how state-of-the-art research on Adriatic Biodiversity Protection, conservation of coastal and marine areas and sustainable use of marine resources can contribute to policy- and decision- making. The RiskManProject Team participated to the Conference with several contributions to disseminate the results of the project.

July 2022 – RiskMan Tailored Courses for Unemployed Young Adults in the WBs
A series of Tailored Courses for Unemployed Young Adults of WBs were organized in the three WBs Partner Countries (Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Montenegro). Participants were 18-35 years old and they acquired new useful skills on Risk Management of NN aquatic Species to get them close to the needs of the job market related to the aquaculture and fisheries sectors. More specific details about the courses are available at the link click here.

21st -27th August, 2022 RiskMan Balkan Tour in Kotor, Tirana, Ohrid
RiskMan Western Balkan tour was hosted by the University of Montenegro, Agriculture University of Tirana and Hydrobiological Institute of Ohrid. During these days the participants from RiskMan team organized a series of dissemination activities and meetings with relevant stakeholders and local media from the WBs area to share the results of the Project.

September 12th -16th 2022 - RiskMan FINAL CONFERENCE (Hybrid conference)
The RiskMan Final Conference took place in Mugla (Turkey) at Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Campus from September 12th to 16th 2022 and also on Zoom. The book of abstract is available here. The details are available at: