Educational Capacity Strengthening for Risk Managment of Non-native Aquatic Species in Western Balkans - RiskMan

Databases of Aquatic NNS identified in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro

Databases of Aquatic NNS identified in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro

Databases of Aquatic NNS identified in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro together with the national language name, pathways and vectors and the corresponding published literature have been released as result of the WP2 of RiskMan.


The databases represent the most updated lists of Aquatic NNS in the three countries and will serve as a background for further researchers. Find the list at the link below and in the sections Project Results WP2 

Database of Aquatic NNS identified in Albania, the national language name, pathways and vectors together with the corresponding published literature

Database of Aquatic NNS identified in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the national language name, pathways and vectors together with the corresponding published literature

Database of Aquatic NNS identified in Montenegro, the national language name, pathways and vectors together with the corresponding published literature

Okunma Sayısı : 1410